Friday, 8 April 2011
Main Task- pre production
Our group came up with the idea of mixing a mixture of different ideas into making our opening sequence. We decided to base our film on the demise and down fall of wealthy businessman Albert depicting his suicide and mental break down, we then decided a 3rd person point of view was best suited for this to create realism, we would need to go to a high building. I wrote the script along with the help of my group and we each did our storyboards. We decided we decided that I should play the role of Albert due to my colour to challenge the views of successful business men being of Caucasian background. Unfortunately we had to change this, due to Raymond’s fear of heights. We originally had a female member playing Frances but she had to unfortunately drop out of sixth form. We worked very hard to create the script and media piece and also had an out side source create a piece of music for us to suit the film best. We were all impressed with the piece and decided to use it for the opening scene with greater effect. The storyboard was the hardest to do drawing wasn’t my strong point and I found this part long and tedious to do.
Main Task - Production
The filming was done in sections; we filmed all the scenes which depicted Albert on the top of the building first this was done at the oracle car park in reading town centre. Ellis and Anna got permission to take the camera out of school and go to this location to film this scene, unfortunately due to my fear of heights I could not take part in this part of the filming. When we arrived at the town center, Ellis changed into his costume, costumes help the audience delve in to the film and relate to the character more. We got permission to film on the top of the Oracle car park and started filming. The one thing our group did not put in to consideration was the amount of wind on the day and the effect it would have on the film it self. The wind meant that stabilizing the camera with out a tripod would be very challenging. We proceeded with filming and gave our best attempt at producing a still and stable piece of film. We made sure that we had at least two or more shots on each angle stated in the script. Looking back the effect the wind and lighting had on the footage was quite positive; it created a very dramatic effect and added weight to the film.
We then proceeded to film the over the edge shot of our main task, this was done in our school playground at a high wall and a low angle shot to make the distance look greater. We wanted to give the impression that Albert was about to leap to his faith with the low angle shot we achieved this motive. This was a scene in which I my self filmed and we didn't do any re-takes as we thought the film was fine first time. We also did some other which will be shown in our deleted scenes.
Lastly Ellis filmed the part in which Anna was acting. We proceeded to the school library to film this, it seemed as the best suited area in which we could effectively film the scene in witch Anna receives the phone call from Albert depicted in the 1st scene. because we had so many scene this gave us the option to select which one was best suited for the main task.
We then proceeded to film the over the edge shot of our main task, this was done in our school playground at a high wall and a low angle shot to make the distance look greater. We wanted to give the impression that Albert was about to leap to his faith with the low angle shot we achieved this motive. This was a scene in which I my self filmed and we didn't do any re-takes as we thought the film was fine first time. We also did some other which will be shown in our deleted scenes.
Lastly Ellis filmed the part in which Anna was acting. We proceeded to the school library to film this, it seemed as the best suited area in which we could effectively film the scene in witch Anna receives the phone call from Albert depicted in the 1st scene. because we had so many scene this gave us the option to select which one was best suited for the main task.
Main Task - Post-Production
After filming, we assessed each piece of footage and began the editing process. Although before editing had began, we had to carefully select each individual scene and decide whether to keep or dispose of it, this is where some of our footage was deleted. While selecting the footage, we got input from various other members of the class and not only just our group members. We then began the editing process using Adobe 3 with the help of Farhan Sadique, we then shortened the length of the video and added fades to merge scenes together. The editing was more of a team effort as various members offered and delivered various imputes to this part of the production.
"4321" Analysis
The opening scene of '4 3 2 1' represents the typical teenage girls in Audience:
Main Task script
Create an opening scene for a film
Albert Douglas-Hamilton (upper class banker) – Ellis
Frances Douglas-Hamilton (His wife) – Anna
Albert: - Waistcoat, lose tie, trousers and shirt
Frances: – Smart casual clothes.
Top of a building
entropy by Ellis Ballard
Establishing Shot (City) Using the green screen
Pull back revealing Albert on the top of a building, over the shoulder shot
Close up of his face (Deep breathing)
Long shot to mid shot of Albert phoning Frances
Extreme close up of Frances’ phone
Mid shot of Frances picking up phone and phoning Albert
Close up of his feet half over the edge
Camera moves over edge to create an effect that Albert has committed suicide.
Long shot of the sky.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Preliminary task script- Story board
POV Shot - Pans from door to zombies sat on bench.
*Fast music plays as Leroy escapes from zombies*
POV Shot - Runs to door.
POV Shot - Opening door.
POV Shot - Running into civilian.
Civilian 1 - Who are you?
Leroy - You’ve got to help me man!
Civilian 1 - What’s going on?!
Leroy - Zombies! They’re everywhere!
Civilian 1 - You let them in?!
Leroy - No, I ran.
Civilian 1 - You sure?
Leroy - Yeah
Civilian 1 - Have you been bitten?
Leroy - No, have you been bitten?
Civilian 1 - No, I’m alright man. Are you sure?
Leroy - Yeah
Civilian 1 - Alright, let’s go.
Wide Shot - Entering room
Civilian 2 - Where have you been?
Civilian 1 - Oh my god! There’s loads of them, they’re everywhere!
Leroy - Who’s that?
Civilian 2 - Who’s that? I don’t trust him
Civilian 1 - No, he’s alright. It’s okay. Take a seat.
Leroy takes a seat along with Civilian 1.
Cut Shot to Extreme Close Up Shot of Leroy
Leroy - So what's going on? Are we the only three left?
Cut Shot to Extreme Close Up Shot of Civilian 1
Civilian 1 - I don't know man, it looks like it. There's loads of them out there though.
Cut Shot to Wide Shot
-Zombie bangs against window, scaring everybody-
Cut Shot to Extreme Close Up Shot of Leroy
All i'm saying is, if it comes down to it, i'm not dying, because the black man always dies first.
-Leroy gets up and leaves-
-Sad music plays as we see a blurred POV of Leroy stepping outside where all the zombies are situated-
-Fades out-
End of Scene.
Story board

*Fast music plays as Leroy escapes from zombies*
POV Shot - Runs to door.
POV Shot - Opening door.
POV Shot - Running into civilian.
Civilian 1 - Who are you?
Leroy - You’ve got to help me man!
Civilian 1 - What’s going on?!
Leroy - Zombies! They’re everywhere!
Civilian 1 - You let them in?!
Leroy - No, I ran.
Civilian 1 - You sure?
Leroy - Yeah
Civilian 1 - Have you been bitten?
Leroy - No, have you been bitten?
Civilian 1 - No, I’m alright man. Are you sure?
Leroy - Yeah
Civilian 1 - Alright, let’s go.
Wide Shot - Entering room
Civilian 2 - Where have you been?
Civilian 1 - Oh my god! There’s loads of them, they’re everywhere!
Leroy - Who’s that?
Civilian 2 - Who’s that? I don’t trust him
Civilian 1 - No, he’s alright. It’s okay. Take a seat.
Leroy takes a seat along with Civilian 1.
Cut Shot to Extreme Close Up Shot of Leroy
Leroy - So what's going on? Are we the only three left?
Cut Shot to Extreme Close Up Shot of Civilian 1
Civilian 1 - I don't know man, it looks like it. There's loads of them out there though.
Cut Shot to Wide Shot
-Zombie bangs against window, scaring everybody-
Cut Shot to Extreme Close Up Shot of Leroy
All i'm saying is, if it comes down to it, i'm not dying, because the black man always dies first.
-Leroy gets up and leaves-
-Sad music plays as we see a blurred POV of Leroy stepping outside where all the zombies are situated-
-Fades out-
End of Scene.
Story board
Friday, 1 April 2011
Se7en analysis
Se7en analysis
When watching the opening scene of se7en we were asked to write an analysis focussing n particular areas these were representation, audience, ideology, language, institution, narrative and genre our analysis must only focus on the opening scene
Representation: the open give the idea that it is a physiological thriller and the only part of the character we are shown is of his hands in a dingy environment through his actions we can notice this is not normal human behaviour and the sings of physiological and mental issues surrounding this individual come through it’s a very slow paced scene that is altered by the music which changes the meaning behind the actions of this individual whos identity is not yet clear this could also give the idea that mental issues and disabilities do not usually have a clear cut face and that it could be anyone by leaving his identity unclear at the start of the scene it is showing the movie industries sensitivity and attempts not to offend
Audience: this film seems t be aimed at mature audiences those above the age of 18 in the opening scenes we notice that they are very displeasing and uncomfortable to watch for certain viewers the opening scene gives the horror theme impression but at the same time maintains the physiological thriller theme and this reinforces the idea of the target age being 18 and above the distribution company behind the film is new line cinema an American distribution company that has a world wide target audience and they used two actors that have world wide acclaimed they are brad pitt and Morgan freeman the two actors are globally known
Ideology: the idea the opening scene is that we see mental health as an illness or a threat and there fore grow a fear towards it the person in the scene is shown as very mysterious and disturbed he characteristics of someone who is disturbed and that of a physiologically challenged individual and as an audience we would feel intimidated by that the scene does not contain any dialogue but there is a array of sounds that are mostly diegetic we hear sounds of thunder needles and screaming this add to the tense atmosphere already created by the characters disability and backing track which increases in pace as the scene progresses to a sudden halt as the scene comes to an end all this is also accompanied by the beat of a heart that steadily increases as the scene draws to a close
Institution: New line cinemas distribute the film se7en new line cinema is a large American distribution company founded in 1967 by Robert Shayne and Michael Lynne they are based in LA and are a subsidiary of Warner brothers
Narrative: we are unsure of the narrative at this stage of the film it has a peculiar starting stage and also no clear out equilibrium we are unsure of the going ons and of where we are there is a series of enigma codes the leave the audience wondering what is going on but from what is presented you can connote that obvious criminal activity is taking place
Genre: this is very unclear as at first it would be assumed that it is a horror because of the dark imagery and dark surrounding leaving the audience tense and in suspense at all times thorough out the opening scene
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Main task week 1- Planning and idea
The 1st week of our main task was spent planning and preparing our scene’s and getting out ideas together although we did not have a story board together we still managed to film our opening scene the idea of our story was that wee focused on a banker that would be on the verge of committing suicide there is also a focal point on his wife who make it clear she is oblivious to his actions and feelings.we went to the town center to film our oppening scene and also hand permisoon granted by the owners to film at the building
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Preliminary Task - Filming
We started filing our preliminary task. We arranged some locations to film in and record a number of scenes in. our filming went pretty smooth and nothing really hindered our progress once we got going. then only problem was the noise of the school, there for we had to edit the film once it was complete we used an array of shots to demonstrate our understandings of shots and angles but the main shot we used was (POV) to show the prospective of the main character
Once the filming was done we edited the video using Sony Vegas. A variety of effects was used and affects to construct our final video for our preliminary task and we added music on to the scenes to add greater effect to the film
The clip has now been fully completed and rendered. We decided to leave out the end credits as what we have constructed has more than enough editing than required
Preliminary Task - Introduction
The idea we came up with on our preliminary task was pretty simple and once thought of we went about creating a script and story board the script and story board included stage directions and shots and angles then we set about filming, we had to change locations though because the Gym we decided to use was always in use. we then went about a second plan where we recorded zombies taking over the school and found good locations to film in we also had extra people from the below years to act as more zombies.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Preliminary task: the beginning of filming
When we started filming we had the idea of chloe farrance on the tredmill but due to one of the sceens being in slow motion chloe did not want to participate in the filming so the idea and the story board had to be changed again to make it more suitable
Preliminary task - planning stage 1
Our first week was hindered by allot of mishaps that set our recording back back we were behind in the first week and also still needed to do some filming there was allot to be done the first week was out planning week this week is where we decided to do everything from the story board and rehearsals we were also meant to decide where the filming has to be done and when it needed doing due some of our members having commitment issues out of school.
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