Friday, 8 April 2011

Main Task - Production

The filming was done in sections; we filmed all the scenes which depicted Albert on the top of the building first this was done at the oracle car park in reading town centre. Ellis and Anna got permission to take the camera out of school and go to this location to film this scene, unfortunately due to my fear of heights I could not take part in this part of the filming. When we arrived at the town center, Ellis changed into his costume, costumes help the audience delve in to the film and relate to the character more. We got permission to film on the top of the Oracle car park and started filming. The one thing our group did not put in to consideration was the amount of wind on the day and the effect it would have on the film it self. The wind meant that stabilizing the camera with out a tripod would be very challenging. We proceeded with filming and gave our best attempt at producing a still and stable piece of film. We made sure that we had at least two or more shots on each angle stated in the script. Looking back the effect the wind and lighting had on the footage was quite positive; it created a very dramatic effect and added weight to the film.
We then proceeded to film the over the edge shot of our main task, this was done in our school playground at a high wall and a low angle shot to make the distance look greater. We wanted to give the impression that Albert was about to leap to his faith with the low angle shot we achieved this motive. This was a scene in which I my self filmed and we didn't do any re-takes as we thought the film was fine first time. We also did some other which will be shown in our deleted scenes.
Lastly Ellis filmed the part in which Anna was acting. We proceeded to the school library to film this, it seemed as the best suited area in which we could effectively film the scene in witch Anna receives the phone call from Albert depicted in the 1st scene. because we had so many scene this gave us the option to select which one was best suited for the main task.

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