Our group came up with the idea of mixing a mixture of different ideas into making our opening sequence. We decided to base our film on the demise and down fall of wealthy businessman Albert depicting his suicide and mental break down, we then decided a 3rd person point of view was best suited for this to create realism, we would need to go to a high building. I wrote the script along with the help of my group and we each did our storyboards. We decided we decided that I should play the role of Albert due to my colour to challenge the views of successful business men being of Caucasian background. Unfortunately we had to change this, due to Raymond’s fear of heights. We originally had a female member playing Frances but she had to unfortunately drop out of sixth form. We worked very hard to create the script and media piece and also had an out side source create a piece of music for us to suit the film best. We were all impressed with the piece and decided to use it for the opening scene with greater effect. The storyboard was the hardest to do drawing wasn’t my strong point and I found this part long and tedious to do.
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