Friday, 1 April 2011

Se7en analysis

Se7en analysis

When watching the opening scene of se7en we were asked to write an analysis focussing n particular areas these were representation, audience, ideology, language, institution, narrative and genre our analysis must only focus on the opening scene

Representation: the open give the idea that it is a physiological thriller and the only part of the character we are shown is of his hands in a dingy environment through his actions we can notice this is not normal human behaviour and the sings of physiological and mental issues surrounding this individual come through it’s a very slow paced scene that is altered by the music which changes the meaning behind the actions of this individual whos identity is not yet clear this could also give the idea that mental issues and disabilities do not usually have a clear cut face and that it could be anyone by leaving his identity unclear at the start of the scene it is showing the movie industries sensitivity and attempts not to offend

Audience: this film seems t be aimed at mature audiences those above the age of 18 in the opening scenes we notice that they are very displeasing and uncomfortable to watch for certain viewers the opening scene gives the horror theme impression but at the same time maintains the physiological thriller theme and this reinforces the idea of the target age being 18 and above the distribution company behind the film is new line cinema an American distribution company that has a world wide target audience and they used two actors that have world wide acclaimed they are brad pitt and Morgan freeman the two actors are globally known

Ideology: the idea the opening scene is that we see mental health as an illness or a threat and there fore grow a fear towards it the person in the scene is shown as very mysterious and disturbed he characteristics of someone who is disturbed and that of a physiologically challenged individual and as an audience we would feel intimidated by that the scene does not contain any dialogue but there is a array of sounds that are mostly diegetic we hear sounds of thunder needles and screaming this add to the tense atmosphere already created by the characters disability and backing track which increases in pace as the scene progresses to a sudden halt as the scene comes to an end all this is also accompanied by the beat of a heart that steadily increases as the scene draws to a close

Institution: New line cinemas distribute the film se7en new line cinema is a large  American distribution company founded in 1967 by Robert Shayne and Michael Lynne they are based in LA and are a subsidiary of Warner brothers

Narrative: we are unsure of the narrative at this stage of the film it has a peculiar starting stage and also no clear out equilibrium we are unsure of the going ons and of where we are there is a series of enigma codes the leave the audience wondering what is going on but from what is presented you can connote that obvious criminal activity is taking place

Genre: this is very unclear as at first it would be assumed that it is a horror because of the dark imagery and dark surrounding leaving the audience tense and in suspense at all times thorough out the opening scene

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