Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Preliminary task script- Story board

POV Shot - Pans from door to zombies sat on bench.

*Fast music plays as Leroy escapes from zombies*

POV Shot - Runs to door.
POV Shot - Opening door.
POV Shot - Running into civilian.

Civilian 1 - Who are you?

Leroy - You’ve got to help me man!

Civilian 1 - What’s going on?!

Leroy - Zombies! They’re everywhere!

Civilian 1 - You let them in?!

Leroy - No, I ran.

Civilian 1 - You sure?

Leroy - Yeah

Civilian 1 - Have you been bitten?

Leroy - No, have you been bitten?

Civilian 1 - No, I’m alright man. Are you sure?

Leroy - Yeah

Civilian 1 - Alright, let’s go.

Wide Shot - Entering room

Civilian 2 - Where have you been?

Civilian 1 - Oh my god! There’s loads of them, they’re everywhere!

Leroy - Who’s that?

Civilian 2 - Who’s that? I don’t trust him

Civilian 1 - No, he’s alright. It’s okay. Take a seat.

Leroy takes a seat along with Civilian 1.

Cut Shot to Extreme Close Up Shot of Leroy

Leroy - So what's going on? Are we the only three left?

Cut Shot to Extreme Close Up Shot of Civilian 1

Civilian 1 - I don't know man, it looks like it. There's loads of them out there though.

Cut Shot to Wide Shot

-Zombie bangs against window, scaring everybody-

Cut Shot to Extreme Close Up Shot of Leroy

All i'm saying is, if it comes down to it, i'm not dying, because the black man always dies first.

-Leroy gets up and leaves-

-Sad music plays as we see a blurred POV of Leroy stepping outside where all the zombies are situated-

-Fades out-

End of Scene.

Story board

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